iPerf3 Testing Guides
The following are guides for performing iPerf3 testing on different OS
Netcomm NF18MESH
1) Open putty.exe
- you can download this hereĀ under "putty.exe (the SSH and Telnet client itself)" and clicking on "putty.exe" for 64-bit
2) Enter the services' IP in the "Host Name (or IP Address)" section
3) Select "Telnet" for the connection type
4) Click "Open" in the bottom right of the applcation
5) "Login: " will display - enter 'admin' - it is the username
6) After this, "Password: " will display - as expected, enter the router passwword
- No characters or any indication that you are typing will appear, don't worry as it is hidden on purpose.
7) After this, you will see "> ", type sh and press enter
8) Now you will see "# " type the following:
- iperf3 -c -t 60
9) A LOT of data will spill out for the following 60 seconds
- what matters here is the "Bandwidth" column, but after this is done please copy and paste the results to a .txt file and add it to the fault
10) after this, a similar test should be done so please see the following command:
- iperf3 -c -R -t 60
11) A LOT of data will spill out once again, please copy this to another text file and add it to the fault

And you're done! You can close putty and give yourself a pat on the back.